Choosing the right glass for your storefront

Your glass storefront is your customer's first impression of your products or services. It also affects their experience inside your space. Your success relies upon your street-facing windows and doors standing out from the competition while targeting your desired customer base. Here's a helpful guide to getting it right when choosing commercial glass for your storefront windows and doors.

Commercial storefront glass in a plaza store

What type of glass is used for storefronts?

When considering the various types of storefront glass for your commercial location, your choice of glass should address these factors.

Whether you want to display merchandise with eye-catching window dressings or convey a sense of respectful discretion, you want your windows to show your business in its best light.

Mock-up of a storefront commercial glass entrance

Esthetic characteristics

Depending on what type of business your run, you may want fully transparent windows or glass that safeguards the privacy of your staff and clients. In either case, your storefront glass should be visually appealing on the outside and contribute to a pleasing customer experience inside. Consider these options and explore how each might best serve your esthetic goals.

Remember, beautiful doesn't have to mean impractical. You can find storefront glass that combines visual appeal with the functional characteristics you need.

commercial glass interior

Functional characteristics

Once you know the visual qualities your business requires, you can choose a glass that delivers cosmetic appeal while optimizing a return on your investment. Explore products that can deliver added cost savings.

Choosing the best glass for your storefront doors and windows doesn't have to be a choice between beauty and function. Talk to an expert commercial glass supplier about your business priorities. They can help you find a solution that meets all your needs. Be sure to hire a manufacturer who offers customization, so you can count on them for outside-the-box solutions.

commercial glass interior

Commercial glass door and window manufacturers in Vaughan

Verrage Glass and Mirror Inc. is your source for storefront glass to make your doors and windows safe, durable and appealing. We can help you attract customers, conserve energy and create the ideal ambience for your commercial space. We serve residential and commercial clients in Thornhill, Richmond Hill, Markham, Aurora, Woodbridge, Vaughan and the surrounding regions. Contact us today to discuss your storefront glass needs.